5 Instagram Accounts We Can’t Get Enough Of This Week

Instagram is fun, but it’s a lot more fun when it isn’t full of photos of your friend’s kids or their McDonald’s coffee cups. Here are my five favorite Instagrammers this week:


Who it is: Chris Rief photographs a simple red chair in various locations, creating beautiful images without excessive props.

Why it works: Followers can connect with the chair in that they look forward to where it will be next. The concept is so simple that any brand could execute it as their own – take your product and photograph it beautifully in different locations. It’s not a new concept, but when executed as Rief does, it can create great results.


Who it is: The CEO and founder of Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoruso’s Instagrams are a fun, lively glimpse into her life. It’s been fun to watch this young entrepreneur turn into a badass mogul. Think Sheryl Sandberg for the under-25 crowd.

Why it works: Her posts aren’t condescending, but still manage to make you jealous. I want to see more from her, and I definitely want to be her.


Who it is: Photographer Nicolee Drake lives in Rome and brings beauty to Instagram in ways other accounts wish they could.

Why it works: It’s travel porn for your soul. I want to go to there.


Who it is: Jeremy Veach takes pretty pictures of his pug, Norm.

Why it works: You can’t go wrong with pugtography. Seriously. Got a pug? Pugstagram it.


Who it is: A 12-year-long project by Dane Shitagi, ballerinas are photographed in unusual locations while practicing their art.

Why it works: This is the first account I’ve seen that truly does justice to the Instagram video option. Also, it makes me want to go to the gym.

Who are you loving on Instagram lately? And of course, you’re allowed to say me. (Kidding.)