As Engagement Falls, Facebook Focus Switches (Again) | Social You Should Know

Engagement Falls, Facebook Starts Talking About “Time Spent”

Can a marketer get a retweet? While Facebook works to encourage users to “Show First” their favorite brands and people, new data shows that engagement on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all fell in Q1 of 2015. As a result, Facebook is changing their algorithm to factor in time spent with content, not just engagement. Why? We believe it might be because the percentage of Facebook account holders who have visited in the last month (active usage) has fallen from about 70% (Q1, 2013) to just 42% (Q1, 2015). Facebook is still huge, but this has to be concerning. Perhaps related? Facebook no longer counts “likes” in their CPC calculations. The times, they are a’changin.


Google Deprecates G+ Updates for Brands While Indexing More Tweets

Remember when the major reason to update Google+ was to get your content in the Knowledge Graph section of the first page Google results? That’s over. Your G+ posts may still appear in the search results, but they’ll be treated just like tweets and other social updates. Speaking of tweets, Google is now indexing 466% more tweets than they used to. That’s impressive, but 96% of tweets are still not indexed. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time trying to get your tweets to rank just yet. Let’s let this play out a bit longer.

Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest Continue Driving toward Ecommerce

Twitter’s new product pages and collections can be a great way for brands to integrate ecommerce with a bit more depth than a traditional tweet allows. You can read more here, but this is part of a larger trend. Pinterest and Instagram are adding “buy” buttons. With Google indexing social updates and social platforms making it easier to buy, Social ecommerce is coming on strong.

And finally, here’s some insightful research. Did you know that fewer than 10% of your display ads will ever be seen by a human being? Billions of dollars being wasted. That’s one of the reasons we prefer the more natural approach our Carusele platform takes.