Tweet Your Gratitude on Employee Appreciation Day

Break out the bagels, coffee, and balloons, because today is Employee Appreciation Day! Depending on who you ask, every day is Employee Appreciation Day, but this one is official—like, get your employees a card official! However, the demands of this fast-paced world, and the rigors of your day to day work can make selecting the right card nearly impossible! Surely there has to be a better way to let every employee know just how much they’re appreciated in a way that won’t disrupt your day, right?

Postage stamp Germany 1978 Scene from fairy tale "Rapunzel"

We’ve put our heads together to come up with what we think is the best way to show employees your appreciation. After writing off ideas that don’t necessarily convey the notion of “hey, I’m a boss who cares” like a pizza party, some sort of ropes course outing, or telling everyone to work from home, we think we hit the jackpot: social media!

You’ve put your business on Facebook. You’ve even posted a LinkedIn profile for you and your company. Problem is neither of those are really all that personal (and besides, it’s not like you’re going to be friends with your employees on Facebook, right? Can’t have Johnny on the 2nd floor snooping through your vacation photos!).

Which brings us to Twitter. What better way to let employees know, as individuals, that you truly appreciate them?! “But, Ignite, I don’t have time to write tweets to all of my employees! Can’t I just do one tweet that covers everyone?” Ok, anonymous manager, we hear you loud and clear. To save you time, we’ve come up with some choice tweets that you can personalize with just a few clicks of a keyboard.

(Editor’s Note: The following advice is not in any way what we’d call “good” or “personable.” A genuine expression of appreciation never goes out of style!)


Hey, you used a hashtag, and bravo to you for that, but perhaps the straightforward and sincere approach isn’t your style. Maybe you like to make horrible puns. Employees LOVE horrible puns, right? Please tell me that’s right!


Ok, that one’s on us. Puns can be fun in person, but not so much on Twitter. Maybe you’re not wanting to show all of your appreciation at once. Why can’t it show up at people’s doors once a month to remind them of your appreciation?


Still not a winner? Got it, you’re a manager for whom puns, regularly scheduled deliveries, and sincerity don’t fit your image. You want your employees to know not just that they’re appreciated, but that you’re privy to how millennials talk. We’ve got you covered.


All you have to do it choose one of the above tweets, decide whether you want to @mention them in the tweet, swap in your employee’s name (or just go with “bae”) where appropriate, and send those tweets out! Your employees will certainly appreciate the public praise and will be impressed that you took the time to come up with a clever, personalized tweet all on your own!

(Editor’s Note: Again, we really need to make sure that you don’t try to pass off a tweet as a sincere form of appreciation. Are we on the same page? Great. Happy Employee Appreciation Day, bae!)