Facebook Marketing Content Inspiration: Wendy’s (Burger) Pie Chart

One of my favorite fast food brands (on Facebook and in life) is Wendy’s. The brand has reinvented itself this year and with it a bevy of creative social engagement. We take a look at one of their recent Facebook posts and let you know how community managers can find inspiration for their brands’ Facebook marketing and content strategy.

The Premise

Wendy’s asked their fans a simple but fun question: If you could only get one topping on your cheeseburger for the rest of your life, what would it be?

With over 3000 Likes and 3600 comments, it proved to be an extremely successful engagement play. You know you have a solid social fanbase when you can post updates like these and get a great response.

Wendy's on Facebook One Topping

Now, they could’ve just ended it there, but Wendy’s had something special up its sleeve.

The Results

In a fantastic follow-up post, Wendy’s showed the results of their toppings survey via this great looking pie burger chart.

Wendy's on Facebook One Topping Results

Both updates were fun, engaging, and featured the product in a way that never felt forced.

Use This As Inspiration For Your Facebook Marketing Content Strategy


This stage is key. Making sure you have answers to the following questions before you start:

When are you going post the first update?

When are you going to collect the answers?

How are you going to create the content?

How are you going to measure success?

Also, notice the way they worded the original update. There was no guarantee that there was going to be another post. That provides you with a contingency in case things don’t shake out the way you may have planned and you need to adjust your follow-up post plan.

Data Collection

You can calculate the results in one of two ways:

1. Use a third party tool like Expion to search for key words in the comments (in this case “ketchup,” “mayo,” “bacon,” etc.). Then plug the results into Excel and make a pie chart to serve as a template.

2. Count them (and I shudder thinking of actually doing this) manually. But hey, that’s what interns are for.


The first Facebook update was easy. All the Wendy’s community manager had to do was lay out all the ingredients in a well-lit area and take a nice photo. The second update was a bit more tricky.

It looks like it may have been made with the actual ingredients. However, I’ve worked in a creative department long enough to know you should never rule out Photoshop. It might as well be a program they teach you how to use at Hogwarts as far as I’m concerned.

There you have it. A fun, simple, product-focused Facebook update that got fantastic levels of engagement.

What brands inspire your social media marketing content?