How to Live Tweet the Super Bowl Without Actually Live Tweeting the Super Bowl

If a tree falls in the forest and no one tweets about it, does it make a sound? As far as we’re concerned here at Ignite Social Media, the answer is “no.” Having said that, we can still understand that sometimes it’s hard to choose between being a part of the online conversation surrounding a live event and putting down the smartphone so you can actually enjoy that event. We’ve all joked about how predictable the social media reactions to sports games are; it’s time to start using that predictability to your advantage.

Super Bowl live tweeting

With a little preparation and the ability to schedule tweets within Twitter or with services like HootSuite, you don’t need to choose between those sticky Buffalo wings and your precious touchscreen on Super Bowl Sunday. Here are five ways you can seem like you’re live tweeting the event:

To start, tweet about your favorite team.

@Seahawks have the best fans on the planet so I’m taking personal responsibility when we win. #12thMan

Go Broncos! #OmahaOmaha #OmahaOmaha #OmahaOmaha #OmahaOmaha #OmahaOmaha

Mix in a few comments about commercials that were revealed weeks before the actual game.

It only took six or seven @AnheuserBusch #SuperBowl commercials to convince me never to drink craft beer again!

Full House reunion! Way to up the ante @Oikos! #bromance #WheresKimmyGibbler

I’m going to pretend I didn’t tear up the first five times I watched that @Axe ad. #KissForPeace #suprisinglytasteful

Then, the Half-Time Show

Who else hopes @BrunoMars has a wardrobe malfunction? #PepsiHalftimeShow

I’d catch a grenade for @flea333 #BrunoMarsRedHotChiliPeppersDuetAlbum?

Sprinkle in Generic Sports Commentary

Are you ready for some football?!!! #SuperBowl #sports #heckyeah #someotherexpletive #enthusiasm

These refs suck! #expletive #curseword #pottymouth

Hell yes!!!! My team won and yours lost!!!! #winning #youvebeenserved #imgoingtobereallyannoyingatworktomorrow

Whatever. My team lost and yours won but we’re still the best team in the league. #SuperBowlringsaretacky

Finally, when all else fails, tweet about the weather.

Frostbite’s a small price to pay for Super Bowl glory. #JK I’m at my house eating #queso.

Last, but not least, put down the smartphone, pick up a nacho and enjoy the game. Your secret’s safe with us.


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