Join Our Free Webinar: Battle of the Chatbots

Chatbots. Maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you’ve even interacted with them. Either way, they’re here. Is that a good thing for brands? How will consumers respond to bots instead of people? Should we welcome our new chatbot overlords?


Join us Wednesday, July 20th at 1pm EST for this webinar as Jim Tobin, President, Ashlie Lanning, VP of Community Management, and Derek Roessler, Community Manager will discuss chatbot use cases, trends as we see them, and why chatbots are being talked about.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What are chatbots and how are they evolving?
  • How are consumers and brands using them?
  • What are the brand opportunities and risks associated with them?
  • How do you start using them now?